Treatment of non-woven fabrics in the medical field with the nano-particls of zinc oxide to resist the bacteria

Document Type : Original research articles



The progress of nanotechnology in a huge space to be applied on the fabric pieces, in order to improve the material properties or the acquisition of an unusual properties and functions and focused researches and developments activities on the application of the use of nanotechnology in the industry of textile, including the introduction or create nanometer particles in textile materials during the manufacturing or processing to lead to enhance its properties and chemical resistance of the bacteria. Therefore using zinc oxide particles in the form of nano-compound in the Treatment of non-woven fabrics and to work as a shield to protect from UV rays, as well as giving those fabrics characteristics against bacteria and prevent its sticking to clothes.
This research aims to use zinc oxide particles in the form of nano-compound in the Treatment of fabrics used in the medical field to resist bacteria, in order to provide safety and full protection for its users to achieve pollution prevention and that addressing them and give them the properties of resistance the bacteria to gain access to products and their performance career to the nearest degree of perfection in order to achieve the benefits desired. For this purpose has been assembling different samples of non-woven fabrics and the production of other samples of woven fabrics were studied processed to give them the characteristics  of resistance bacteria was assessed properties of the samples by measuring the following properties (air permeability - water resistance force - the feel of fabrics - the consistency - weight) before and after treatment to determine the quality of the use of composite standards nanoscale zinc oxide in the Treatment of fabrics used in the medical field to resist bacteria.

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