Introducing contemporary decorative appliqués in the style of peach to enrich the aesthetics of children's clothing and accessories as small projects

Document Type : Original research articles



The art of Alablik consider an authentic Arabic art used in the manufacture of tents and was carrying structural ,  engineering or plants decorations , searchers see that if we  employ aesthetic values of ablik contribute to the production of suitable aesthetic value and utilitarian pieces it also will be suitable  for different age levels in general and to childhood  in particular ,  and attention with children is  increasing  in all international institutions in general and in Egypt in particular so they establishment a large number of institutions that are interested in children and their needs because of  their weight and importance in the community Where they are human categories and large purchasing power that will push the development of society and its economic level ,  the childhood  level is the most important level in the human life and the most effective in his life and growth , the clothing forming is an important part in the child's life ,there is no doubt that this age take a large part of the psychology scientists attention at the moment childhood is an important part of the present and the future together where the child is a large level of society  and consist the second generation, the art of decoration of baby clothes is the most important influences that affect in  the psychological mood of the child . The Ablike is consider the most important method than other methods used in the decoration of baby clothes , from here they fond the development of new insights using Hand pile style to rich to renewal, diversity and innovation ,  this research aims to take advantage of the pile style in the development of children's clothing,  and its accessories in Ablikat as one market ̓ s need.             

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