Using Satin Strips In Renewal And Ornamenting Headdressesthrough The Use Of The Crochet Stitches

Document Type : Original research articles



Clothing accessories have an important economic value. For example, it can be used to transform last year clothes into new energetic and elegant clothes. In addition, through changing it, we can use the same costume in more than one occasion ,Therefore, headdresses "veils" are one of the most effective accessories, which can be used in different manners. Furthermore, it is one of the easiest ways to add an exceptional aesthetic touch to clothes, as it gives them a gesture of renewal and diversity. Moreover, veils have the ability to change the unchangeable style of the costume. They also can send away sight from body defects, by putting them near to the individual's beautiful parts like the face. In addition, they can be functionally used to provide warmth at winter, Because of this great importance of headdresses "veils" to women, especially the veiled ones, it was essential to vary the methods of its ornamenting in the simplest possible ways, with the lowest economic cost. Hence, the subject of the research, targets using Satin stripes, through the use of the Crochet stitches, to ornament headdresses.            

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