Employing the Montessori Method in Making Educational Toys from the Remains of Fabrics for Children in Early Childhood

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt.


The Montessori is an educational curriculum based on an educational philosophy that takes the principle that every child carries within him the person who he/she will be in the future. As a result of the fabrics that are left behind by the garment factories that are not utilized, came the idea of this ​​research. Among the objectives of the research is to benefit from the remnants of fabrics employed to be a functional and artistic product for the child, to follow scientific methods in making use of fabric exhausts, to contribute to solving the exhausts accumulation problems, and descriptive approach was followed with the application through the work of a group of designs of educational toys in the Montessori style, numbering (8 designs), and the research tools were a questionnaire made containing two axes (the opinions of specialists in the field of clothing and textiles differ than the opinions of Montessori professionals in the designs from the remnants of fabrics) and the designs were presented to 15 referees from universities and the highest results were the first design with a quality factor of 95.39%, followed by second by 94.16%, It is followed by third by 87.99%, then seventh by 83.46% and 13 referees in the Montessori field and the highest results were the first achieving the highest quality factor by 97.98%, followed by the second by 97.87% , Followed by the seventh with a rate of 94.71%, then the fifth with a rate of 86.44%.


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