An Applied Vision for the Preparation of Some Clothing Techniques for the Handicapped Child

Document Type : Original research articles


1 An applied vision to implement some techniques of clothing for the physically disabled child

2 Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

3 menofia universality- home economics faulty-clothes and textile department

4 menofia university home economics faculty clothes and textile department


Mobility impairment is a state of inability to meet the individual’s requirements of life to the point where affected individuals are unable to perform their tasks normally. The general goal of the study is to prepare a group of clothing designs for children with mobility impairments with knitting techniques that help achieve the functional aspect while preserving the aesthetic aspect.
Methods and tools: a questionnaire for the opinions of mothers and officials in associations with special needs to determine the most important problems they face in wearing and choosing their clothes. The analysis of the questionnaire revealed the low percentages of mothers' opinions, as the high percentages of selection were inappropriate for the axis of purchasing and selecting clothes, the axis of clothing techniques for people with special needs, and the axis of preferred requirements in clothes for people with special needs.
results, clothing needs that must be met in the clothes of children with mobility impairments were identified and the pieces of clothing prepared with the techniques required to be available. questionnaire measure the opinions of specialized referees, (quality factor), (ANOVA). Among the most important results agreement coefficients ranged between (100%) for the designs (14.9.2), (77%) for the two designs. (10.4) Which confirms the achievement of employing the design elements, as the agreement parameters ranged between (100%) for the design (2), (71%) for the design (10 which confirms the suitability of the designs for the handicapped child
key words
Mobility impairment - Disabled child's clothing - Knitting techniques


Main Subjects