The Benefit Of The Remains Of Some Fabrics By Using The Handmade Textile In Enriching The Clothes Of The Child And Its Completions

Document Type : Original research articles



The current research is interested in applying new technique style to use the remains of fabrics , its usage in making manual textiles which are used in designing the clothes , where these textiles achieve useful and beautiful values and widen the horizon in front of the designer in order to do creative and different designs which are suitable and cope with the product through the material and different weave structures. Because the clothes of the children need anew entrance and rich elements based on the new and the creation in its design that gives anew shape to the child. employing the beautiful and artist value for the manual textiles contributes in appearing the clothes for the children and its completion through the different colorful and weave effects . 
Thus , the current research aims at the ability of the usage of the remains of fabrics in running the manual textiles with different shape and colorful effects by using the plain weave and by employing these manual textiles with the beautiful value in enriching the clothes of the child and its completions , has been implementing nine models and its completions suitable for the female children at the age of 5 : 8 years have already been done by using the manual textiles done from the remains of Lycra  , Jersey , single fabrics and the colorful effects of the plain weave in designing these models . a form of questionnaire has already been prepared to estimate the functional , technical , beautifully , designable  side of these models and its completions by the expertise's . an other form of value for the consumer to know the rate of degree of accepting these models and its completions .   
Through treating the data statistically , the results showed the ability of benefiting from the remains of some fabrics and the colorful effects of  plain weave in running out manual textiles which are used in enriching the clothes of the child and its completions , that study recommended with the certainty of the importance of continuing the experiment researches which aim at the benefit of the remains of fabrics in anew manner , which enriches the different clothes designs and its completions . that opens the field in front of the home economic graduates for working in the factories  to recycle the fabrics or for doing small projects , and the usage of the effects of different weave structures in employing the remains of fabrics   to carry out different products , as well as , the benefit of the results of  the research in presenting anew entrance to teaching the subjects of the  clothes and the textile inside the department of home economic by know the students employ the remains of fabrics resulted from the practical materials of the clothes inside the clothes design or doing its completions by using that method , that's for the beautifully and economical side of the clothes .

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