Aesthetic Values Added To Male Shirt Using Marker Exhausts In Ready-To-Wear Clothing Factories With Computer Techniques

Document Type : Original research articles



The aim of the present study to achieving value artistic and aesthetic designs male shirt alot through the development of overall formations proposed derived from the remains of the fabrics and implemented with the use of technological possibilities available to the factories of garments. 'S
PRODUCTION OF male shirt lag behind large quantities of exhaust snipping process and cannot be used because of different colors and raw materials and intricate carvings so summed up the problem of the current study in an attempt to employ these emissions in lifting the aesthetic value-added a shirt is male using computer techniques in the design process and implemented with the use of technological possibilities available and the number of machines.
It has therefore been a (10) The designs of the male a shirt is casual with the recruitment of the exhaust of the fabrics in the form of cuts and additional ornament in different places and implemented and then consisting of specialists and addressing the statistical data and concluded the results to access the executing designs on the appropriate level in terms of the axs of the questionnaire three.

Main Subjects