Interior design of the house and its relationship to safety inside the house for university youth

Document Type : Original research articles



The research aims to studying the relationship between interior design of the house pivots (furniture , lighting , ventilation, noise, and color) and safety the housing for university youth dimensions (safety inside the kitchen - safety in the use of tools and home appliances - safety in the use of cleaning materials and chemicals) also aims to study the differences between the interior design of the house and provide safety  inside depending on the place of the family residence (rural - urban), and depending on the sex of the youth (male - female), and depending on the work of the mother (working - not working), disclose the nature of the the differences between university  youth  study sample in each of the interior design of the house, and safety inside depending on the mother's education level, and depending on the type of youth people study (theory – Excrsice ), and depending on the number of family members, and depending on the level of income, and depending on the nature of the housing ( Provide - Rent - Familial )  .                            
           It comprised the study sample to (300) of the youth of the Egyptian universities males and females from different Reeve attended the provinces of the Arab Republic of Egypt, ranging in age from 17-25 years of working mothers and non-workers, and from different social levels, and economic, have been selected psoriasis manner, and the study included tools of public data form, and interior design questionnaire, and a questionnaire for safety inside the residence .                       .
          And it was the most important results of the study and the presence of correlation between the interior design of the house pivots (Furniture - Lighting - Ventilation - Noise - color) and some safety dimensions inside (safety inside the kitchen - safety in the use of tools and hardware), and There is No statistically differences in design internal housing university students study sample in some of its  pivots (furnishing, noise, color and total interior design of the house), and in the safety availability within the housing dimensions depending on the work of the mother, and There is No statistically significant between rural and urban areas in the interior design of the house in some of its  pivots (furnishing , noise, color and total interior design of the house), and safety availability within the housing dimensions, and there are no statistically significant differences in the furnishing procedure for housing youth study sample and the noise , color, and the safety availability in the use of tools and household appliances within the housing, and the using of cleaning materials and chemicals , there are no statistically significant differences between the male housing and female youth university study sample in  the interior furnishing of the house ,  the noise , color , and the safety availability in the use of tools and household appliances inside housing depending on the study while found statistically significant differences in lighting and ventilation of the house in favor of the male housing, , and found statistically significant differences between male and female study sample in the safety availability in the kitchen in favor of the female housing, and there D.         variation statistically in the internal furnishing of the house and lighting and ventilation depending on the mother's education level for the benefit of high level of education , and there is variation statistically significant depending on the nature of housing in the lighting , ventilation, and color for rental housing, the noise in  for  Provide housing, and there D. variation statistically in the safety availability in the kitchen, and security in the use of cleaning materials and chemicals for the benefit of family housing, and there is no variation statistically significant in the interior design of the house pivots , and safety within the housing dimensions  depending on the size of the family,  there is variation statistically significant in the internal furnishing of the house and ventilation in favor for  high-income, and there is no variation in the lighting , noise and color depending on the level income of the family, and no D. variation statistically in the safety availability within the housing depending on the level  income of the family .
And was the most important recommendations on the media programs of action for the development of awareness of family members the importance of the interior design of the house pivots (Furniture - Lighting - Ventilation - Noise - color) to overcome the disadvantages of the interior housing and foreign, including ensuring the provision of healthy and safe environment, and that lighting be enough housing and be lights installed the species well, and the need to provide natural and artificial ventilation to ensure fresh air and lack of accumulation of vapors and gases to housing, and the need for medicines and toxic substances mode ( such as detergents and chemicals and pesticides, ... etc  ) away from the reach of children, avoid placing with detergents or chemicals in the same place where the food kept or stored in soft drinks in bottles or eating utensils.

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