The Effectiveness Of Indicative Program To Give Young University Rational Expenditure Patterns

Document Type : Original research articles



The research mainly aims at the preparation and implementation of a pilot programme to give young University in late adolescence good spending patterns Through studying the nature of differences between males and females in spending and disclosure of the relationship between the spending pattern for males and females and some social and economic variables
The study sample included field 280 students from various colleges and practical theory and urban and rural province of menoufia and Kafr El-Sheikh and the sample was chosen by way of thematic psoriasis different social and economic levels. This study is descriptive, analytical and experimental method was the classification and data analysis using descriptive by issue and percentages and arithmetic standard deviation, as well as the analytical approach through the Alpha Cronbach labs with T.Test , analysis of variance account One Way Anova. Were represented in the study tools: a questionnaire to study patterns of expenditure and includes several areas including General information form, questionnaire, spending patterns, and mentoring programme for young University good spending patterns includes seven meetings. Data were collected through personal interviews in January 2015, results of the study have resulted in the existence of differences between averages of young university degrees before and after implementation of the program in total good expenditure patterns Where the value (v) calculated (-7,285) is a statistical function value, when the level indication (0001) . His indicative of differences between the average scores of young people from rural and urban consumption pattern with (v) calculated (-0402) is the value of the function at the level of statistical significance (0.05) for urban areas . The study recommends the importance of instilling values of thrift and good financial habits among the young and teaches them good consumption behaviour at an early age.

Main Subjects