The Effect of Different Brazilian Embroidery (Dimensional) Stitches Type on The Appearance of The Plush Fabrics

Document Type : Original research articles



The research aims at identifying the effect of the use of Brazilian embroidery on the appearance of the Plush fabrics, and the effect of the difference of the Brazilian embroidery stitch on the appearance of the Plush fabrics. The plush was executed on three levels of the Thickness of plush fabrics (high, medium, low) Five stitches were used, based on the final shape of the stitch (Bullion Stitch, Cast-on Stitch, Woven Picot Stitch, Stump Work Stitch), The study followed a descriptive and analytical study along with the use of the applied method in the implementation of samples Research and validation of hypotheses, the Checklist Paper  was designed to evaluate the effect of the difference of the Brazilian embroidery stitch on the appearance of the Plush fabrics, The results showed that the use of stitch (work stitch, woven picot stitch, cast-on stitch) achieved higher appearance rates for high- Thickness of plush fabrics, while The use of Brazilian embroidery stitch (Double Cast-on Stitch, Bullion Stitch) has achieved low levels of appearance, and for medium- Thickness of plush fabrics, the use of Brazilian embroidery stitches (Woven Picot, Double Cast-on Stitch) And it does not prefer the use of Brazilian embroidery stitches (Cast-on stitch, Bullion Stitch), Brazilian embroidery stitch (Double Cast-on Stitch, Bullion Stitch, Stump work stitch, Woven Picot) superficial higher rates of fabrics with low- Thickness of plush fabrics, while using Brazilian embroidery stitch (Cast-on stitch) achieved low rates of appearance value.


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