Penefit ability from The Wearing Design in increasing the educational knowledge to preschool child

Document Type : Original research articles



The childhood of the most important stage that helps to form the individuals personality, so each stage ,especially "early childhood" is paid a lot of attention by psychologists and educators, as well as garment makers . There is no doubt that the clothes play an important role in achilds life and are one of his basic needs . they have asignificant psychological impact on him and his personality. There for the study aims to Penefit ability from The Wearing Design to  increasing the educational knowledge to preschool child, And the searcher is desiging 22 pieces as educational method to child . and also preparing asurvy form opinions and submit it to specialists in the field of  weaving  and clothes ,specialists In the field of courses And teaching ways, specialists to preschool children, specialists  to preschool teachers and specialists to mothers . the most important results of this study was a great success to the suggested designs which were use in the education and clothes industry to help children and increase the educational knowledge for them

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