Visualize A Proposal To Develop The Outerwear Course In View Of Quality Standards

Document Type : Original research articles



The quality education has become a very urgent necessity to prepare the students for the specifications required by the labor market. Therefore, the quality education contributes to increasing the individual productivity, which seeks to progress the collective productivity, and to exist people capable of creativity and innovation to achieve positive results on the local community, which may extend to affect all over the world.
The curricula are the tool that helps all educational institutions at all levels in the development of the educational process and achieve the aims of the community.
Therefore, the curricula development has become very important. Curriculum development is defined as process by which a set of changes occur in one or more elements of the existing curriculum with a view to improving them.
And the ability to keep up the developments and the scientific, educational, economical, social and cultural changes in a way that meets the needs of society and individuals, considering the available resources of time, effort and cost.
The researcher has carried out this research to develop the outerwear course for the undergraduate students in the 4th level. That depends on constructing an educational unit for a subject that was not studied before, namely, the formation on the mannequin and testing their effectiveness in developing the basic knowledge and skills in the composition of the mannequin.
The researcher used several tools in the research application (the achievement test, the skill test, and grading scale).
The specialists judged the tests and the scale. The statistical results showed the effectiveness of the proposed unit in the development of basic skills and knowledge in the formation of mannequin, which contributed to the achievement of the research objectives.


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