The Development of adolescents Awareness In the management of Small Projects in Lodging Institutions

Document Type : Original research articles



This research aims to develop the awareness of teenagers in the  administration of small projects in residential institutions by specifying the level of small project  administration among teenagers .
The sample of thesis –planing heuristic programs and preparing special courses for them according to the teenagers needs.
Clarifying the differences in the awareness of teenagers in small projects with its axes (Trends-Information) and skills of small project administrations with its dimensions (determining the idea of small project –determining aims of small project –planing for the small project-preparing the feasibility study –organizing and listing the small project –orientation and censorship in the small project –evaluating the small project ).
Before applying the heuristic program (pre-performance)and after applying the heuristic program (post performance) .
The tools of the thesis has been repaired including general data form for the residential institutions –general data form for teenagers ,the sample of the thesis, questionnaire of awareness in small projects with its axes (Trends of teenagers towards small projects-The information of teenagers in small projects
This research included both basic and experimental sample, this research has been applied on seven residential institutions in two governorates (A1)-gharbya(Tanta) in (social care institution in Tanta branch (A) - social care institution in Tanta branch (B) - female health institution- Rodwa institution for girls), (A2) Menofia (raising girls institution in Ser El-lian- raising girls institution in Shebin El-kom- raising boys institution in Shebin El-kom).This sample has been selected randomly and objectively.
The number of the teenager in the sample of the basic thesis (100) girls and boys. The descriptive, trapezoidal and analytical methods have been used. The evaluation depends on pre and post measure . The SPSS has  been used to analyses data using the value (F). SMA, the correlation coefficient , tests (T) in the comparison between average accounts for marks that the teenagers got before and after using the heuristic program and the results showed the differences in the levels of resonse .The results showed that SMA and the standard deviation for total awareness in small projects with its awes for teenagers (±22.340 , 85.333) - (±5.914 , 132.1333) before and after the heuristic program , in addition the results showed that SMA and the standard deviation for awarress in the skills of small projects administration for teenagers (±32.729 , 124.3333) - (±1.437 , 208.0066)  before and after using the program shows that the teenagers in the small projects administration confirms the importance of training and guiding the teenagers in the residemtial institutions specially and setting up small projects and developing awareness in its administration.

Main Subjects