Awareness Of The Utilitarian And Aesthetic Uses Of Color In Interior Design To The Next House On The Marriage And Its Relationship To Some Social And Economic Factors

Document Type : Original research articles



find primarily aims to study the awareness of utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in interior design to the next house to marry dimensions (area of living-sleeping-area service area) and its relationship to some of the social and economic factors. The study sample consisted of 90 students from the Faculty of Home Economics, University of Menoufia, were selected object-intentional manner of different socio-economic families. The study included a questionnaire tools to explain the social and economic level to the families of students couples, and a questionnaire shows awareness of the utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the interior design of the house.
Results of the study have resulted in:
- That is greater than half the study sample was the level of awareness of kidney average in utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the interior design of the house where the ratio was at 51.1%, and that greater than half of the study sample was their awareness of the average in the utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the sleeping area where the ratio was 55. 6% .
- There is a positive correlation between the age of the study sample and the utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the living room and the services and total awareness of utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color at 0.05 level of significance.
- There is an inverse correlation between the number of family members and the awareness of the study sample utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the living room at the 0.05 level of significance.
- There are statistically significant in the consciousness of the study sample of the utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the kidney interior design of the house as well as the living area and sleeping area depending on the sex differences (Zkr- female) at the 0.05 level of significance, in favor of males.
- There is a statistically significant variation in the consciousness of the study sample utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the interior design of the living area depending on the level of income at the 0.05 level of significance.
- There were statistically significant in the consciousness of the study sample uses utilitarian and aesthetic to the color of the kidneys in the interior design of the house depending on the mother's education at the level of significance 0.01 variation, as well as the living and the services area at the level of 0.05 and the sleep at the level of 0.001.
In light of the results of the study researchers recommended:
         Interest and awareness utilitarian and aesthetic uses of color in the interior design of the house on the verge of marriage and the ministries of information, education and social affairs .

Main Subjects