Making Use of the Aesthetic and Functional Values of the Indian Dress Heritage in the Design of Women's Clothing"

Document Type : Original research articles



The main aim of the research is to shed light on Indian women's clothing as a primary source for the development of new designs to suit the needs of veiled women, in addition to studying Indian textiles and using them to highlightthe aesthetics of the designs of women's veiled costume.
A major set of sub-goals stems from this main aim:-
-Analyzing the traditional costume of women in India and identifying its characteristics and names.
- Studying the design lines of Indian fashion and the designations of the component parts of the Indian costume.
- Developing contemporary designs for veiled costume inspired by the Indian dress heritage, and the adaptation of textiles to serve these designs.
-  Enriching the aesthetic and functional values of veiled women's clothing
Main results:
- The development of a collection of modern costumes adapted from the Indian Sari in line with the nature of the Egyptian society.
- The agreement of the arbitrators ' opinions on the proposed designs in the overall evaluation and the level of each design, showing that the weighted arithmetic averages of the arbitrators ' views of the proposed designs were high and found that the number of (37) design was appropriate based on the triple gradient of weighted weight where the average ranged The weighted arithmetic of these designs between (2.35 – 2.95), the number 19 ranked first with relative weight (98.21%), followed by Design No. 28 in the second place with relative weight (94.52%), then design number 23 in the third place with relative weight (94.4%), then design number 4 in the fourth place with relative weight (9 2.26%), then design No. 18 ranked fifth with relative weight (91.43%), followed by the rest of the proposed designs according to their relative weights.
-The agreement of the Producers ' opinions on the proposed designs in the overall evaluation and the level of each design, showing that the weighted arithmetic averages of the views of the producers of the proposed designs came high and found that all the designs were appropriate based on the triple gradient of weighted weight where the average ranged The weighted arithmetic of these designs between (2.43 – $2.99), the designs numbers 14, 17, 28 ranked higher in relative weight (99.64%) Repeater, followed by Design No. 19 with relative weight (99.29%) , then design # 20 in relative weight (98.67%) , these designs are followed by the rest of the proposed designs according to their relative weights.
 -The agreement of theconsumers ' opinions on the proposed designs in the overall evaluation and the level of each design, showing that the weighted arithmetic averages of the suggested designs were high and found that (34) design was appropriate based on the triple gradient of weighted weight where the arithmetic mean ranged These designs are likely to be between (2.38 – $2.99), and the number 19 ranked highest in relative weight (99.62%) , followed by Design No. 23 with relative weight (98.73%) Then design No. 28 with relat1ive weight (98.16%), followed by Design No. 18 with relative weight (96.81%), then Designs No. 17, 27 with relative weight (93.81%) Repeater, these designs are followed by the rest of the proposed designs according to their relative weights.

Main Subjects