Enriching The Aesthetic Educational Values For The Baby Room Accessories Using The Leprosy Stitch

Document Type : Original research articles



Childhood is considered to be one of the most important phases in man's life, thus, it shall be addressed in all of its various fields. In this regard, one of the most important fields is the 'Educational Aspect'; as it is considered to be the first basic stage, at which the child acquires his/her linguistic skills. Therefore, we shall pay much attention to this phase. We shall benefit from the ornamental styles in fabrics ornamentation in order to beautify the baby room accessories through the use of the 'Fur Style' due to its three-dimensional shapes, through which the child can acquire some educational skills using child-friendly designs.
Hence, the two researchers have used some child-friendly designs in producing the said educational furnishings which could be used to beautify the baby room accessories, fulfilling the aesthetic and beneficial needs. In this context, the two researchers have produced (15) designs for the baby room accessories using the 'Fur Style', including (Bed Sheets Set – Small Pillow – Baby Bag – "A" Hanging – "E" Hanging); and they have beautified them using educational ornamental designs.
After that, the executed designs were evaluated by presenting them to a number of arbitrators through a questionnaire; and that is in order to verify the suitability of the 'Fur Style' to the production of educational accessories which could be used in the baby room.
On the foregoing, the study has concluded that the 'Fur Style' could be used in producing educational accessories suitable for the baby room. In addition, the study has found out that there are differences between the products and the designs in terms of fulfilling the design aspect, the aesthetic aspect as well as the evaluation aspects (as a whole), according to the opinions of the specialists. On the other hand, there are no differences between the products or the designs in terms of fulfilling the functional aspect, according to the opinions of the specialists.
Furthermore, according to the opinions of the specialists, the best executed designs in fulfilling the evaluation aspects (as a whole) are: Design No.: 3 (from the Bed Sheets Set                                                                                                                                                             ), Design No.: 7 (from the Bags), and Design No.: 14 (from the "E" Hangings). On the other hand, the least executed design in fulfilling the evaluation aspects (as a whole) is Design No.: 6 (from the Small Pillows). In this regard, the executed products may be arranged as follows: "E" Hangings, Sheets, Bags, "A" Hangings, and Pillows.

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