Document Type : Original research articles



The research aims at studying the relation between the role model as realized by teenagers with its dimensions (parents – Teacher – Friends) and its relation to their personal skills (social communication – problem solving – making decisions – team work – planning). It aims also to study the difference in the teenagers in the sample study in the role models questionnaire as realized by the teens, and the personal skills questionnaire according to the living area (rural – urban), gender (male – female), mother’s work (working  - not working), and studying the nature of difference among the teenagers in the sample study in the role models as realized by them and their personal skills according to (the monthly income of the family – the size of the family – father’s job – the educational level of the father and the educational level of the mother).
The sample of the study consist of (250) teenagers (115) male, (135) female of the secondary stage students. (133) live rural areas. (177) living in urban areas from different governorates (Kaleobeya, Behaira, Gharbeya).    They have been chosen randomly from different social and economic classes. The research tools included the general data from the teenagers and their families, the role model questionnaire as realized by the teenagers with its three dimensions, and the personal skills questionnaire with its five axes. The study followed (used) the descriptive analytical method.
The most important results of the study are:  There is a statistically significant correlative relationship between all the axes of the role model questionnaire and the skills of social communication, problem solving, making decision, working in team and planning, and all the dimensions of the personal skills questionnaire. There are not statistically significant differences between the male and female teenagers in all the role model as realized by teenagers, while there are statistically significant differences between the male and female in the personal skills for the male teenagers. There are also statistically significant differences among the average marks of teenagers from the rural and urban areas in all the role model questionnaire for the rural teenagers. There are no statistically significant differences among the average marks of the rural and urban teenagers in all the personal skills. There is a statistically significant variance among the sample study teenagers in the role model as realized by them according to the levels of the monthly income of the family, while there is not statistically significant variance among the teenagers concerning the role model as realized by teenagers according to the size of the family, the father’s job, the father’s level of education, mother’s level of education.    There is a statistically significant variance among the teenagers concerning the personal skills according to mother’s level of education for the higher level, while there is not statistically significant variance among the teens in the sample study concerning the personal skills according to the monthly income of the family, size of  the family, father’s job or father’s level of education .
The study has introduced a group of recommendations; to develop and enhance the values of the good model for the children and teenagers through the studying courses, and the educational methods. This include great personalities such as the leader of our nation prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) and his followers (God bless them all) and the scientists and writers, etc. It is important that parents and teachers train their sons and students to be self-confident and to be able to communicate actively without shyness or fear, as well as encouraging them to make their own decisions, motivating the sons to express their feeling freely so that they have the different personal skills. We recommend activating the role of mosques to motivate the youth to develop the culture of role model and following the good morals of the Islamic religion as it came in the holy Quran and the Sunna. The study recommend also that teachers read the heritage books to know how the good teachers dealt with their students in the past, and joining the courses that develop the teacher’s qualities particularly that relating to students. Holding seminars at schools where the specialist experts lecture on the role of the teenagers in their societies by acquiring some personal skills that help them to be active individuals in their societies and to achieve his own goals.   

Main Subjects