Considerations Of Home Ergonomics And Their Relation To Wife’s Self Management

Document Type : Original research articles



The current research aims at studying the relation between ergonomics of the Egyptian home design and the self management skills of the Egyptian wife. To attain this aim, 340 wives (not sharing a flat or house with family) were invited to take part in a descriptive analytical study. This study took place in Minia and Qaliubiya governorates (Egypt) during the period between the beginning of June and the end of July 2018. Questionnaires of study included the general data form of the family, home design ergonomics scale (physical, environmental and emotional) and self management scale (time management, identifying objectives and self-planning, self-confidence, effective communications, decision making, self-development, managing stress and emotions). Results show that 76.5% of the Egyptian wives have deep emotional meanings of home and refuse to move out. Though, they improve the interior design of their houses to attain more desirable and conformable conditions (63.5% of the participants) considering privacy (67.7% of the participants). Most information about the interior design was gained from TVs (35.5% of the participants) and social media (24.7% of the participants). Generally, considerations of home design ergonomics (physical, environmental and emotional) were higher in urban areas than in countryside ones (P<0.01). These considerations improved significantly with increasing the area of the flat (P<0.01). The emotional ergonomic seemed also to increase significantly when wife owns her flat rather than renting it (P<0.01). It is worthy to mention that, the parameters of ergonomics scale were correlated significantly with the corresponding ones of the wife’s self management scale (P<0.01) and both were significantly affected by each of the wife’s educational level (P<0.01) and the duration of residence (P<0.05). Moreover, these parameters were correlated significantly with the wife’s job career, the monthly income, family volume and the job career of the husband (P<0.01).
*It is recommended to use the simplified and scientific follow up awareness programs in corporate with media to raise the cultural ergonomics. This might in turn affect positively wife’s self management skills. Moreover, the specialists of home economics, psychologists and sociologists should analyze the economic decision-making processes to assess their psychological and social impacts on citizens and families


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