Academic Adjustment As An Intermediate Variable Between Test Anxiety And Parental Acceptance/Rejection Among Students Of The Faculty Of Home Economics

Document Type : Original research articles



The present research aims at studying the relationship between academic adjustment, test anxiety and parental acceptance / rejection;  determining the extent to which the academic adjustment is regarded as an intermediate factor between test anxiety and parental acceptance/ rejection; revealing the relationship between test anxiety and acceptance/ rejection parental after the statistical isolation of the academic adjustment; the study of academic adjustment levels for the students of home economics; the study of test anxiety levels among the students of home economics; determining  parental acceptance rejection levels among the students of home economics; studying the relationship between academic adjustment and its aspects, the test anxiety in its aspects and parental acceptance/ rejection in its aspects. The study of the relationship between academic compatibility and the anxiety of testing and acceptance - parental rejection;  the study of the relationship between academic adjustment,  the test anxiety  and parental acceptance - rejection of students of the Faculty of Home Economics according to gender (male and female); the evaluation of the relationship between academic adjustment, the test anxiety of testing and parental acceptance- rejection of students of the Faculty of Home Economics according to academic specialization; the evaluation of  the relationship between academic adjustment, the test anxiety of testing and parental acceptance - rejection among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics according to order among the siblings; the evaluation of the relationship between the academic adjustment, the test anxiety and  parental acceptance/ rejection of students of the Faculty of Home Economics depending on the parents' situation; predicting the academic adjustment in the light of test anxiety and parental  acceptance/ rejection among students of the Faculty of Home Economics.
The research tools included: the general data form, the university students' academic adjustment scale, the parental acceptance/ rejection scale and the test anxiety scale for the university students. The study was conducted on a sample of (216) students from the Faculty of  Home Economics, Menoufia University. The students ranged from (21-24) years from third year students in the Faculty of  Home Economics, Menoufia University in the second term of the academic year (2015-2016).
The results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between the academic adjustment among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics with its aspects and their scores on the anxiety test scale in its aspects, while there was a positive and statistically significant correlation between the academic adjustment of the students of the home economics with its aspects and their scores on the parental acceptance/ rejection scale with its aspects. There were no statistically significant differences between the students of the Faculty of Home Economics in their average scores in the research variables (academic adjustment and parental acceptance - rejection) due to gender (male - female), whereas there were differences statistically significant among students of the Faculty of Home Economics in the average of their scores in the test anxiety scale due to gender (male - female). There are statistically significant differences among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics in their average scores in the research variables (academic adjustment, test anxiety and parental acceptance - rejection) due to academic specialization. There are no statistically significant differences among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics in their average scores in the variables of research (academic adjustment, test anxiety and parental acceptance - rejection) due to the order of the student within his family. There are statistically significant differences among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics in their average scores in the research variables (test anxiety and parental acceptance - rejection) due to the parents' situation. There are no statistically significant differences among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics in the average of their scores in the academic adjustment scale due to the parents' condition. Test anxiety and parental acceptance - rejection  contribute to the prediction of academic adjustment  among the among the students of the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University. The isolation of academic adjustment scores resulted in dwindle of the relationship between test anxiety and parental acceptance-rejection. This finding reflects the fact that the academic adjustment mediates the relationship between test anxiety and parental acceptance-rejection.


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