Proposed Designs For Some of The Contemporary Women's Supplements Using Some of The Folk Art of The Egyptian Symbols

Document Type : Original research articles



Our cultural heritage of folk art is our immortal heritage over time which has to be maintained and constant efforts should be exerted to revive it, make use of its aesthetics, elements, symbols, colors, and distinctive characters. Hence, the study aimed to Employing symbols, fonts, colors and special People's Egyptian art in the work of innovative designs for women's supplements and creating modern designs for supplementation of women in the spirit of folk art and measure the success of the designs by professors specializing in fashion. The research found that there is an agreement by the arbitrators on the benefit from the elements and units of folk art in the designs executed for "accessories - scarves". There is also an agreement on the achievement of the innovative aspect of these designs and on the appropriateness to the requirements of the market for the "accessories- scarves" executed from units of folk art.

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