Benefit from the Aesthetics and Techniques of the Covering of the Kaaba to Enrich the Aesthetic Values of the Clothing Accessories

Document Type : Original research articles



The study dealt with a description of the Holy Kaaba, its cladding, some types of cladding that have been covered with it over the ages, the techniques used in its manufacture, and its importance to enrich the aesthetic values ​​of clothing supplements.
As well as learning about aesthetics, techniques, motifs, colors and materials used in the manufacture of the Kaaba cladding, clothing supplements
Where the learner designed a number (30) designs for clothing supplements, including (20) men designs and (10) a female design, using the decorations on the Kaaba cladding, and prepared an arbitration form for those designs to be presented to the masters of the referees and their number (15) faculty members based on Arbitration: (4) male design and (2) female design were selected for implementation, and their arrangement is as follows (1-8-12-18-21-29).

Main Subjects