Son' Communication Skills And Their Relationship To The Mothers' Administrative Practices

Document Type : Original research articles


Dep. of House Management, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt


This research aims mainly to know the relationship between Son' Communication skills to the mothers' administrative practices the analytical descriptive method was used by applying the research tools prepared by the researcher :(public data form - Son' Communication skills questionnaire - mothers' administrative practices questionnaire)The basic research sample consisted of 300 families (300 mothers and 300 children) were selected randomly at Cairo and Qalyubia state andof different socio-economic levels and living in different neighborhoods The appropriate statistical methods were applied to derive the descriptive results and the results in the light of hypotheses:
-There were statistically significant differences between the themes of the Son' Communication skills questionnaire according to gender. There were statistically significant differences between the themes of the Son' Communication skills questionnaire according to the grade. There were statistically significant differences between the themes of the mothers' administrative practices questionnaire according to the level of mother's education. There were statistically significant differences between the themes of the mothers' administrative practices questionnaire according to mother's work. There was a positive correlation between mother's work and all themes of the mothers' administrative practices questionnaire There was a positive correlation between the family income level and all themes of Son' Communication skills questionnaire There was a positive correlation between the responses of the average scores of sample search at Son' Communication skills questionnaire and responses of the average scores of the mothers' administrative practices questionnaire
Through the research results the researcher recommends that:
-     Attention to the dissemination of administrative awareness among wives and awareness of the need to manage their various resources efficiently in a simplified manner commensurate with all levels and different categories of Egyptian families in various media such as radio, television and newspapers
-     Preparation of seminars, lectures and articles to educate mothers and guide them to how to communicate with children and develop their tendencies and different abilities, using the means of information technology in the benefit of the family and benefit them.


Main Subjects