Utilization of Traditional Crafts (The Art of Al-Aqda) By Using Luminous Ribbons to Enrich Women's Evening Wear

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Clothing and Textile , Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Faculty of Home Economics, Menofeya University

3 Faculty of Home Economics, Menofiya University

4 Clothes and Textiles Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Menofiya University, Egypt


Heritage crafts are considered to have a distinctive character in the fields of artistic creativity and have a major role in preserving cultural identity. Braid Weaving Craft are among the popular artistic crafts that Egyptians have practiced since their earliest historical eras until now. The research aims to employ the art of Braid Weaving and its types in making luminous decorative strips and units by integrating threads and their complexity. Using different technologies and integrating them with LED strips to create a third dimension of decorative design and obtain new links between the design of geometric shapes and curved lines in the Braid Weaving strip and modern light energy technology and employing it within the structural design of women’s evening wear, and benefiting from it in choosing colors and decorative compositions and linking originality with contemporaneity. The researcher made 30 proposed designs for evening wear decorated with the art of Braid Weaving Craft combined with LED strips, and they were presented to the arbitrators (17 arbitrators) in the field of specialization. The study found that there were statistically significant differences between the average opinions of the arbitrators in favor of the research hypotheses, which confirm the possibility of using the art of Braid Weaving Craft combined. With bright streaks in raising the aesthetic values of women's evening wear, the research recommends the need for more research on various traditional and artistic crafts, reshaping their materials and integrating them with modern-day technology.


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