Evaluation the awareness of the benefits and uses of date palm seeds (Phoenix dactylifera)

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Home Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia


Date pits, known as seeds, kernels, stones, or pips, are by-products of date processing factories. Despite being considered a major source of waste during harvest and processing, date seed powder is used as a coffee substitute and has beneficial effects for enhancing nutrition. This study aimed to evaluate the awareness of the uses and benefits of date palm seeds among people in Makkah City, Saudi Arabia, to increase awareness of using these seeds and gain from their benefits. Our results indicated a direct correlation between the evaluation of the uses and benefits of date palm seeds and some of the study variables at the significance level of 0.01 and 0.05. This suggests that, with improved education, there will be increased awareness of the evaluation of the uses and benefits of date palm seeds (Phoenix dactylifera). The study also found no correlation between gender or marital status and individuals’ awareness of the uses and benefits of date palm seeds. However, the results show that education was one of the most influential factors in the awareness of the uses and benefits of date palm seeds (Phoenix dactylifera) at 86.1%, followed by employment at 82.4%, followed by gender at 76.5%, and in last rank, age by 71.6%.

It is recommended that more studies be conducted about the uses and benefits of date palm seeds for both humans and animals to improve awareness of their uses. This highlights the need for further research to uncover the full potential of date palm seeds.


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