Assessment of the Nutritional Status of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in the Outpatient Clinic at Police Hospital, Cross-Sectional Study

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Nutrition and Food Sci. Faculty of Home Economic, Menoufia University. Shibin Elkom, Egypt

2 Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


Hemodialysis, a medical therapy that utilizes blood circulation to treat uremic syndrome, is a crucial treatment for both acute and chronic renal insufficiency, acute intoxications, and the preoperative conditioning of transplant recipients. In this context, our study, which aimed to assess the nutritional status of hemodialysis outpatients at the Police Hospital, was conducted with utmost thoroughness. The study involved the participation of fifty male patients aged 25 to 50 undergoing hemodialysis at the Police Hospital. Twenty-four participants had anthropometric measurements, including height, weight, and BMI, and assessments of social status, CBC, dietary habits, nutritional consumption, and renal function. The patients were categorized into three groups based on their body weight: the first group consisted of individuals with normal weight, the second group included those who were overweight, and the third group comprised individuals who were obese. The findings, which indicated notable disparities in the nutritional condition of individuals with normal, overweight, and obese body weights, were derived from a comprehensive analysis. Moreover, a clear association existed between body mass index (BMI) and many factors such as age, weight, total protein, carbohydrate, calcium, and vitamin-A levels. Chronic hemodialysis patients exhibited a high incidence of nutritional deficiencies. Patients experiencing weight loss are susceptible to mild to moderate malnutrition. The thoroughness of our study instills confidence in the validity and reliability of these findings


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