Sensory stimuli in the interior design of institutions for the elderly and their relationship to the mood of the elderly

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Home and Institutions Management Dept., Faculty of Home Economics, Menofia University

2 Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University

3 Home and Institutions Management Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University


The Main purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between sensory stimuli to interior design of the four dimensions of older institution (Visual Stimuli, Touching Stimuli, Olfactory Stimuli and Touching Stimuli) and the mood of the elderly with its two dimensions ( positive mood and negative “emotions”), so a survey of sensory stimuli in the interior design of seniors institutions and a survey of the mood of seniors were prepared and codified, and the resolution was applied to a specialized, psoriatic sample of elderly from Menoufia and Gharbia, and the results showed a statistically positive correlation between the identification of sensory stimuli and the identification of older person mood, at a significance level (0.01), and there are a statistically significant difference between older males and females in post – mood negative “emotions” at a significance level of (0.001) in favor of females, and researchers recommend to the ministry of social solidarity that institutions should be supported with facilities and powers so that they can assume their social responsibilities and develop towards the problems of the group in society with which they are attached, employing diverse materials scientifically and pragmatically by the interior designer in the emotional design of older home environments, it increases elderly people because of the role of these materials in stimulating responses in elderly people and raise the quality of the interior, both functionally and aesthetically.


Main Subjects