Effect of Christ's thorn (Ziziphus spinachristi)Extract on Diabetic Indices of Rats

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Nutrition and Food \\\\science, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University

2 Dept. Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


The purpose of this study is to determine how Sidr (Ziziphus spina christi) seeds and leaves ethanolic extract affect glucose levels in diabetic rats. Thirty adult male albino rats weighing 150 ±10 g was divided into six groups (five rats in each group). The first group was kept as a control (-ve) group, while the other 5 groups were injected with alloxan (150 mg/kg body weight) to become diabetic rats; one group of them was retained as a control (+ve), while four diabetic groups were treatedwith two concentrations of Sidr leaves and seeds ethanolic extract (200 and 400 mg/kg). After 28 days, serum glucose level, lipids profile including total cholesterol (T.C), triglycerides (T.G), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-c), as well as kidney and liver functions indicators were measured.Oxidative enzymes levels including malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), andcatalase enzyme (CAT), were also assessed. Body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI)and Feed efficiency ratio (FER) were calculated. According to the findings, both Sidr leaves and seeds ethanolic extract reduced blood sugar levels and enhanced kidney and liver functions. Additionally, in comparison to positive control group, both leaves and seeds improved the lipid profile and oxidative enzymes. Also,enhanced FI, FER and BWG. A histological examination supported the biochemical assessment.In conclusion, all biochemical analysis reflects the power of Sidr leaves and seeds as nutraceutical therapy for theremedy for diabetic rats.


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