The Effectiveness of a Guidance Program to Enhance Awareness of University Youth about the Importance of Acquiring Soft Skills as a Necessity for The Job Market and Its Impact on Digital Entrepreneurship

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Home and Institutions Management, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University

3 Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University


The primary aim of this research is to study the effectiveness of a guidance program in enhancing the awareness of university youth about the importance of acquiring soft skills as a necessity for the job market in Its dimensions .. The tools used included general data form for university youth and their families, university youth awareness of the importance of acquiring soft skills for the job market questionnaire in all Its dimensions, and digital entrepreneurship questionnaire with its two axes, Guidance Program to enhance university youth awareness of the importance of acquiring soft skills as a necessity for the job market. The primary study sample consisted of (369) university youth. The number of students in the experimental sample was (22) from the Faculty of Physical Education at Mansoura University. The descriptive-analytical and experimental methodologies were used, (SPSS Ver 22) program. The results revealed a significant correlation between the awareness of university youth about the importance of acquiring soft skills in all their dimensions and digital entrepreneurship with its two axes. Moreover, significant differences were observed in the average scores of the experimental group of university youth about the importance of acquiring soft skills before and after the application of the guidance program, indicating the impact of the guidance program.


Main Subjects