Utilizing some different techniques of faux leather decoration to enrich women's clothing

Document Type : Original research articles


1 National Research Center - Cairo - Egypt

2 Department of Clothing and Textile , Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

3 Clothes and Textiles Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufiya University, Egypt

4 Clothes and textiles Dept. Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt


Due to the high demand for leather, which meets the various requirements of leather clothes, bags or shoes. This led to an expansion in production of natural leather, but it didn't meet all these requirements. Which necessitated the search for alternative raw materials to replace natural leather. The discovery of plastics and the diversity of their raw materials and capabilities made the new field become spacious for discovering alternative types of natural leather that are not only similar in shape and appearance, but also differ in characteristics (durability, chisel, endurance, tensile, bending, elongation, and water resistance). There are many techniques used in the decoration of natural and artificial leather, which raise the aesthetic value of leather clothing. Which is considered one of the raw materials spread in the Egyptian market and at reasonable prices to enrich women's clothing, and follow the experimental approach with application and making a group of designs from artificial leather and decorating them with leather techniques, and their number is (24) design, which were presented to 15 arbitrators who are specialists in the field of clothing and textile. The research fulfilled a hypothesis, and the results showed: There are statistically significant differences between the responses of the specialists to the proposed designs for the suitability of fabrics in the suitability of the techniques used for the proposed designs. The research recommends the need to pay attention to the study of women's leather clothing implemented with different decorative techniques to increase the aesthetic and functional value.


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