The protective Effect of gum Arabic on the electrolyte balance and Parathyroid Hormone among Osteoporotic rats

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Nutrition and Food Science,Faculty of Home Economics,Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt.

2 Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

3 Nutrition and Food Sciences Dept. Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Egypt


The present study was investigated to examine more about how gum arabic affected osteoporotic rats. Thirty male albino rats averaging (150±170g) were used. Two major groups have been set; the first major group (n=5) was kept as a negative control group, while the second major group (n=30) was given oral injection of prednisolone (5 mg) to cause osteoporosis for two weeks every day, then divided into six subgroups, positive control group, treated group that take the dose of medical therapy only, and other four subgroups were given basal diet plus 10% or 15% of gum arabic, and 10% or 15% of gum arabic plus medical dose for 28 days. The results indicated that dietary intervention with gum arabic could improve urea and creatinine concentrate that decreased gradually by increasing dose of gum arabic. GBG15% had the best values of serum electrolytes phosphorus, calcium and magnesium after dietary intervention among osteoporotic groups but differ significantly when compared with control negative group. The effect of gum arabic at higher dose on vitamin D and PTH in GG15% did not differ significantly than medicine in BG. In conclusion, gum arabic had a protective effect of osteoporotic rats.


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