The Effectiveness of using Woods Model in Teaching Home Economics for Developing Analytical Thinking Skills and Academic Engagement among Preparatory Students

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Home Economics and Education, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt.

2 Faculty of Home Economics


The research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using Woods model in teaching Home Economics to develop analytical thinking skills and academic engagement among a sample of preparatory stage female students (n.= 60), who were divided into two groups: an experimental group of (30) female students, and a control group of (30) female students. To achieve this aim, an analytical thinking skills test and an academic engagement scale were constructed, and the descriptive and the quasi-experimental methods were applied. The research results revealed the effectiveness of using the Woods model in teaching Home Economics to develop analytical thinking skills and academic engagement among 2nd stage preparatory female students (the research sample), and that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between the students' scores in the analytical thinking skills test as a whole and its sub-skills on the one hand, and their scores on the academic engagement scale as a whole and its dimensions on the other hand. The research recommended the necessity of including higher-order thinking skills, in general, and analytical thinking skills, in particular, in Home Economics courses at various educational levels, and paying attention to training teachers on modern strategies and models that stimulate the students' self-motivation to learn and make continuous efforts to engage and participate positively in investing their abilities, and the possibilities of the educational environment with flexibility to confront the surrounding situations and problems.


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