A Creative vision to Assemble some Aesthetic parts of Leather to Enrich the Appearance of Clothes using Laser Technique

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Cloths and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt.

2 clothing and textiles department, faculty of home economics, menofia university, shibin el kom, egypt.

3 clothing and textiles department, faculty of home economics, menofia university, shibin el kom.


This research aims to benefit from assembling aesthetic clothing parts without sewing, applying laser technology to the skin to enrich the aesthetic appearance of clothing, using the method of thermal transfer printing on leather material to enrich the aesthetic appearance of clothing, the possibility of benefiting from surrealist art as a source for enriching the clothing appearance, and the possibility of implementing products with high aesthetic value Low economy and the ability to establish medium or small projects that do not require knitting machines. The current research has followed the experimental approach, as it is an approach based on the implementation of practical experience. This is evident through making patterns for these different parts and also the different designs and also using the applied approach, as it is an approach based on practical application. Based on what was done It was tested and this was done through application to the students of the third year of the Clothing and Textile Division, Fashion Design “B” subject, and the most important outcome of the results was the possibility of assembling some aesthetic parts of the clothes without using a sewing machine and using laser technology, and that was the success of the evaluation axes, and the innovative aspect was the best in the axes. Then the constructive aspect, then the functional aspect, which indicates the success of the innovative vision of assembling some parts of clothing without sewing, with the use of laser technology to enrich the aesthetic appearance of the clothing.


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