Improving the properties of sportswear using nanotechnology and some natural extracts

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Clothes and Textiles Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University

2 Clothes and Textile Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University


Sportswear is one of the fastest growing industrial sectors, as it has recently witnessed remarkable developments, whether in the spinning and weaving process or in the processing operations to obtain special advantages, to give these materials certain properties, and from this standpoint, the researcher used some of the peels of natural extracts from orange peel And hazelnut peel and extract a solution through which a treatment can be made for the knitted cotton material by dyeing it. Some of the processing results have been achieved with regard to the thickness of the material by treating with orange peel the highest results for a concentration of 10%, while when treating with hazelnut peel the highest arithmetic average was achieved for orange peel at a concentration of 20% and 30 % while in nano-silver treatment at a concentration of 3% achieved the highest arithmetic average, while for air permeability it achieved a positive effect of increasing the concentration of treatment with orange peel extract at a concentration of 30% at a rate higher than that of hazelnut peel at the same concentration. As for nano-silver treatment at a concentration of 3%, where It reached an average of about 154.8 grams, while the bacteria resistance treated with hazelnut peel achieved the highest arithmetic average compared to the treatment with orange peel at a concentration of 30%, while the concentration of 3% achieved the highest average of the nanosilver treatment for bacterial resistance


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