Employing the Potentials of Polygon Art and Benefiting from them in the Field of Machine Embroidery

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Cloths and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics,, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


We live today in the era of technology, so it has become necessary to keep with this development and innovate modern arts such as (Polygon art) characterized by the beauty of colors, the accuracy of spaces, and the contemporary final image, which makes it a fertile source for researchers to draw and mix modern technology using computers with the rest of the creative arts. Hence, the researcher saw the importance of Linking machine embroidery with modern arts to raise sense and aesthetic taste and depart from traditional ideas. She chose the art of polygon for experimentation in machine embroidery to enrich it with new sources of artistic visions, which may contribute to adding innovative solutions and new entrances that enrich the field of machine embroidery. In this research, she followed the analytical descriptive approach and using the applied method, where she made 20 designs, then applied them in machine embroidery designs, in order to benefit from them in presenting contemporary designs and measure the extent of specialists' acceptance of this method through a questionnaire, using computer programs.


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