Usage of 3D Printers Technology to Develop the Leather Clothing Industry to Achieve Sustainable Development

Document Type : Review articles


1 Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Department of Clothing and Textile , Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

3 Department of Clothes and Textiles, Faculty of Home economics, Menoufiya University, Egypt


3D printer technology is one of the most crucial in recent years. Its use has grown considerably, serving various fields. 3D printers can manufacture garments and accessories that are impossible otherwise. This study aims to use 3D printers to improve leather clothes' aesthetics and functionality - keep pace with the tremendous technological progress in the industry. The research followed the descriptive analytical approach with application to achieve its objectives. (20) models were designed, and specialists evaluated the designs through a questionnaire to measure the opinions of specialized arbitrators, their number (15) arbitrators, as well as measuring the opinions of a group of (53) consumers in benefiting from the technology of 3D printers to develop the leather clothing industry to achieve sustainable development. The data were analyzed, and statistical transactions were performed using the SPSS program to extract the results. The results reached an agreement between the opinions of the specialists on the proposed designs, where we find that "there are statistically significant differences between the average opinions of the arbitrators on the proposed designs in the suitability of 3D printing to employ design elements, achieving the foundations of design and the innovative and functional aspect, and there are statistically significant differences between the averages of consumers' opinions on the proposed designs in the questionnaire as a whole. The research recommends expanding the study of modern production techniques for clothing, especially 3D clothing printers, for global competition in fashion design and achieving sustainable development.


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