Take Advantage of Clothing Supplements to Enrich the Aesthetic Values of Prayer Clothing for Girls in the Medium and Late Childhood Stages

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El-Kom, Egypt

3 Menoufia University, Faculty of Home Economics


The clothing supplements provide an attractive manifestation commensurate with the design or functionality requirements of the designer through the materials used and reconfigure or synthesize them using different experiences, information, and skills. The research aims to use clothing supplements on stall designs for girls in the intermediate and late childhood stages to raise aesthetic value. Methods and tools: 20 designs were designed and arbitrated through a questionnaire to measure the views of arbitrators specializing in clothing supplements to increase the aesthetic value of prayer stalls for intermediate and late childhood girls. Data were analyzed, and statistical transactions were conducted using SPSS to extract the results. The results reached agreement among specialists on the proposed designs in all axes that the quality coefficients of the proposed designs were highly evaluated as 17 had a quality factor of (suitable) level, and 3 had a quality factor of (somewhat appropriate) level. This illustrates the use of clothing supplements to raise the aesthetic value of prayer stalls for intermediate and late-childhood girls. Research is recommended on studies and research on prayer stalls and their association with clothing supplements to raise the aesthetic value of prayer clothing.


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