Sustainability in the Ready-Made Garments Industry Using Non-Traditional Environmental Materials

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Cloths and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


The ready-made garments industry is one of the most important and powerful industries in shaping the world's economies, as it is the fifth most influential industrial sector. However, it is the largest consuming sector of energy, raw materials, machinery, and equipment. This industry has recently moved towards promoting sustainability and focusing on environmentally friendly products by applying special strategies. From this standpoint, the researchers used some non-traditional materials (from environmental waste). They employed them to create innovative industrial designs on a product (T-shirts for women) in line with modern trends. In sustainable development, taking into account the needs of the market and the vision of the consumer and determining the opinions of specialists, the research followed the applied descriptive approach to answer the research questions and its hypotheses, and the results of the research were the implementation of (10) designs, using the material of knitted fabric (Gersey jersey) 70% cotton and 30% Polyester and some auxiliary materials (from non-traditional environmental waste and it is not customary to combine it with clothes) and use them in the way of adding to products The statistical results resulted in the positive opinions of specialists through the questionnaire's axes towards the executed pieces and the positive opinions of consumers whose ages ranged from (18-25 years) years and numbered (50) girls, and among the most important recommendations: Take advantage of the research In line with Egypt's 2030 vision towards sustainability, entrepreneurship and development of small and medium enterprises.


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