Using Social Media and its Relationship to Choose A Life Partner for A Sample of University Students

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Home and Institutions Management, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


This study aims to reveal the relationship between social media use in its three dimensions (the goal of social media, the positive effect of social media, and the negative impact of social media) and to choose a life partner in its three aspects (social, religious and personal aspects). The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, where a questionnaire on the use of social media and choosing a life partner for a sample of university students was prepared and standardized. A sample of university students (1000 students) was selected. The results showed a positive correlation (P<0.01) between the use of social media and the choice of a life partner and the presence of statistically significant differences between the average scores of rural and urban university students in the questionnaire on the use of social media and the questionnaire. They were choosing a life partner for a sample of university students from the perspective of university students at a significance level of 0.001 in favor of irrigation Fionn. The researchers recommend that specialists in the field of home management and institutions in the faculties of home economics, ministries, and media programs concerned with the field of home management and institutions develop awareness and publish executable guidance programs for individuals and families, especially young people, about the conscious and rational use of social media and foundations of choosing a life partner based on health, psychological and social rational and correct factors, provided by the specialists in the field of home management and institutions.


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