Studying the effect of plasma treatment on the air permeability of polyester fabrics

Document Type : Meta-analysis


1 Departement of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia Univerity, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Faculty of Science, Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


Physical techniques can usefully replace some of these chemical mechanisms, such as soil cleanup. Where the study of plasma is one of these physical materials applied to all industrial and cellulosic fabrics, and the aim of the research was to study textual variables (treatment time - gas type - voltage) and their impact on improving the permeability of fabrics, fabrics and polyester. Plasma (Dielectric Discharge Plasma) on (DBD) with a set of variables, namely time, voltage and type of gas used to determine the best treatment and treatment in order to obtain the best results that are published in the experiment and the performance of commercial activities in the experiment and study, conducting laboratory tests (air permeability test of fabrics) The results came to the best sample in treatment, which is the treatment with 20 minutes treatment and 100 volts voltage and its gas from natural roosters at 100%, while it appears that it has a time of 7 minutes and a voltage of 120 volts and gas, as it uses a quality factor of 85.5%, which The use of gas led in general the subject of research and study.


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