Recent Trends in the Processing of Cellulosic Fabrics to Obtain Distinctive Technological Properties using Nanometric Metal Particles

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Al Arish University, Sinai, Egypt

2 Chemistry and Preparation Technology, National Research Center

3 Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


Nanotechnology and its applications have revolutionized many industrial fields, which led to attracting the attention of workers in various research fields. The goal of the research is achieved by treating cellulosic fabrics with aniline at a concentration of 10 g / l in the presence of iron chloride as an oxidant at a concentration of 20 g per liter in the presence of pH, using hydrochloric acid at a temperature of 25 ° C in the presence of receptor at a concentration of 2% g / l and the treatment is done in one step for nine Hours determine the quality criteria for using both aniline and iron chloride materials in treating the cotton fabrics to give it electrical conductivity and with the addition of nanomaterial to it With the same focus and the results reached that the best fabrics in achieving the functional performance of the fabrics produced is the fabric in which the type of material (fabran) and its textile composition (reverse fabric) is the best fabric in achieving the functional performance properties of the fabrics produced, where it got the first place and that With a quality factor of 78.87% for all different tests. The fabric in which the material type (tencel) and its texture composition (reverse fabric) is the least fabric in achieving the functional performance characteristics of the fabrics produced, as it ranked sixth with a quality factor of 24.14% for all the different tests. Thus, the importance of the research becomes clear in reaching fabrics that have the property of electrical conductivity while providing safety and protection in order to achieve protection from the resulting radiation.


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