Analytic Study of some of the Coptic and Islamic Decorations and Integration between them to Enrich the Artistic and Heritage Value for the Design of Furnishings and Supplements.

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


The permanent overlap between culture and the arts is a case of a man being isolated from culture from the rest of the created beings. Since ancient times, we found that Coptic art has been intertwined with Islamic art since the conquerors resorted to Coptic artists for their ingenuity in constructing mosques, where we see the concave cavity that comes at the front of the mosque (the mihrab (the mihrab). It is a Coptic idea that reminds us of the apse inside the church, meaning that there has been harmony and overlap since antiquity between Coptic and Islamic art (Majid El Raheb 2013). The research aims to study some Coptic and Islamic decorations and integrate them to enrich the artistic and heritage value of some clothing and furnishing accessories. Producing pieces of art that are characterized by our authentic Egyptian character and upgrading the value of our products until we have our distinctive character where (23) designs for furnishings and clothing accessories were implemented, and an arbitration form was prepared to be presented to the arbitrators, numbering (15) members of the faculty, and based on the arbitration, (5) designs were selected for implementation and arranged as follows (the second, sixth, eleventh, fifteenth and sixth designs). Ten). The research achieved the success of using the merging of Coptic and Islamic art by paying attention to the possibility of using our Egyptian Coptic and Islamic heritage in giving an aesthetic character to the produced art pieces.


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