Employing The Formative Possibilities of Crochet to Make Tourist Souvenirs Inspired of pharaonic Era and Benefit it in Small projects

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Home Economics (Clothing and Textile), Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University, Ashmoon, Egypt


The study aims to benefit from The Formative Possibilities of crochet as an unfamiliar technique for making tourist souvenirs inspired by the Pharaonic era. Seven tourist souvenirs were designed and crocheted. Then measuring the opinions of a sample of specialists from the faculty members towards the designs concerning the study axes (Employing design elements, Investigation Basics of design, Achieving the functional aspect, The possibility of application in the field of small projects). The research relied on the descriptive approach of the theoretical study and the experimental method to implement the implemented memorabilia. Among the study tools used is a questionnaire to evaluate the executed memorabilia and the use of the SPSS program to derive the results; the study found that there are statistical differences between the implemented designs; one of the most important results of the study was that it was possible to adapt the technique and stitches of crochet in the implementation of models inspired by the Pharaonic era. And the validity of the executed pieces for use as souvenirs. In addition, this research can be used in the field of small projects.


Main Subjects