Study the Awareness of Female Students to Good Nutrition and the Importance of Antioxidants and Their Relationship to Academic Achievement and Morbidity

Document Type : Original research articles



Recent years have seen a tremendous growth in scientific knowledge of the relationship between diet and health. This increase in knowledge has informed dietary recommendations to promote health and longevity the aim of study to find out the relationship between the dietary and antioxidants awareness degree and academic achievement and morbidity. This study was carried out on 200 Saudi female students aged 18 to 25 years were chosen from college of family sciences, from different disciplines, Taibah University., Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, KSA.Data socioeconomic status, health history, anthropometric measurements, dietary awareness, and antioxidants awareness were collected. The mean value of age was 20.52 ± 1.42 years, the mean value of length was 156.45 ± 5.58 cm, and mean value of weight was 54.06 ± 10.37 kg.Also the result showed that 15.5% of studied girls were suffering from overweight, while the most of girls had normal weight 59.5%, the mean value of body mass index mean was 21.98 ± 4.09 kg/m2.Most of girls 86% were no suffering from diseases, while about 14% of girls were suffering from diseases including; anemia, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus. As for hemoglobin, the results showed that 29% of girls had normal level of hemoglobin, while 10% of them had low hemoglobin. As for gradepoint average (GPA), 27.5% of the students were very excellent (A+) and 37.5% at an excellent rate (A), while 18.5% of girls were at very good rate (B+).The awareness degree were classified into three degrees; of the categories; awareness is low (less than 60%), awareness is intermediate (greater than 60% - 79.9%), awareness is high (80% or more), and the results showed for dietary awareness that 48% of female students have of the diet is lowawareness, and 39% of them have intermediateawareness, while the awareness of antioxidants showed findings, that 67% of female students have a low awareness, and 33% of them have intermediate awareness degree There was a significant correlation between gradepoint average (GPA) and the degree of dietary and  antioxidants awareness, as well as,there was a significant correlation among health status and anthropometric measurements (weight, body mass index).In conclusion:,  High percentage of females students have a lowdegree ofdietary and  antioxidants awareness, Conducting educational sessions for students about antioxidants proper nutrition and its role in disease resistance and raise the health status an important step in promoting dietary change is to identify the nutrition-related knowledge and skills most needed by students. 


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