Style And Authority Of Family Decision Making And Its Rela Tionship To Quality Of Life As Understood By Heads Of Households

Document Type : Original research articles



The present study aims to determine the relationship connectivity between all of the style and authority to make family decisions four Bmahorh (style and authority to make purchasing decisions - style and authority to make education, health, style and authority of decisions to make decisions leisure - style and authority to make housing management decisions and management of the family in general) the life and quality of life time As perceived by heads of households of the five dimensions (residential environment - psychological - economic - health - social) and some of the social and economic situation of the family variables, and disclosure of the nature of the differences between each of the heads of rural households and urban and workers and non-workers in style and authority to make family decisions four Bmahorh and quality of life dimensions five, and also disclose the nature of the differences heads of the household sample survey in both style and authority to make decisions four Bmahorh family and quality of life as perceived by the five heads of households depending on the dimensions of the categories of monthly income for the family.
The study consisted tools of public data form, and a questionnaire style and authority to make family decisions four Bmahorh, and a questionnaire quality of life as perceived by heads of households of the five dimensions included the study sample at (440) heads of families were selected object-way psoriasis workers and non-workers from rural and urban Monofia Sears Centre Layyan and Bajaur and Menouf and Shebin portfolio Menoufia who had children and the nature of the relationship between husband and wife is continuing and different socio-economic levels.
The study found the most important results of the presence of correlation statistically significant relationship at (0.01) among all of the style and authority to make family decisions four Bmahorh (style and authority to make purchasing decisions - style and authority to make education and health decisions - style and authority to make decisions leisure time - style and authority to make housing management decisions and managing the family in general) the life and quality of life as perceived by heads of households of the five dimensions (residential environment - psychological - economic - health - social), and no statistically significant correlation at (0.01) among all of the style and power to take family making four Bmahorh and between some of the social and economic situation of the family variables, the presence of correlation statistically significant at (0.01) between each of the quality of life and some of the social and economic status variables, the lack of statistically significant differences between the heads of rural households and urban in style and power to take family making four Bmahorh and quality of life of the five dimensions, the lack of statistically significant differences between workers and non-workers in the style and the power differentials take family decisions four Bmahorh and quality of life of the five dimensions, there is no D. contrast statistically between the heads of households depending on the categories of monthly income in both the style and the power to take family four decisions Bmahorh and quality of life as perceived by heads of households depending on the dimensions of the five categories of monthly income for the family.
The study made a number of recommendations, including: the importance of developing the curriculum in all stages of education, which serves the family in order to accustom students to make decisions scientifically sound manner and the development of students' awareness of the importance of participation in the decision-making family. And attention to the quality of programs that show a good example in family relations through the print media, radio and television. And emphasize the importance of the family, particularly the mother and father awareness of the need to exercise good example to the children and strengthen the link between home and school to enhance the education of their children on how to make decisions more democratic manner.

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