The Role Of Head Of The Household And Its Relation To The Security Of The Thought Of The Teenager And Ways To Enhance The Security Of Thought For A Teenager

Document Type : Original research articles



Multiple responsibilities entrusted to the head of the household is the most prominent of these responsibilities to achieve intellectual security for their children in general, and her son, a teenager , in particular , because that stage is where lay the foundations of personal and is where crystallize personal profiles and take the fixed features so it was incumbent upon the head of the household must work to achieve intellectual security for her son, a teenager and through a variety of roles (Religious role - the educational role - role of socio- psychological role - the economic role) and that they should do in order to protect their children from any intellectual deviation than the benefit of a private family and society , security and safety in general. The purpose of this research to determine the extent and type of relationship between what the head of the household of adware and intellectual security for her son, a teenager , and the study of some of the social and economic factors affecting ( as a housing - Sex teenager - the work of head of the household - level of education of the wife - the level of the pair Education - monthly household income level ) on each of the role of head of the household and the intellectual security for a teenager . And also to identify the relationship between the number of children of the goddess of the family and between each of the role of head of the household and security teenager intellectual type . And how to strengthen intellectual security for a teenager
               This study was conducted on a sample of (204) heads of families and ( 204) teenager (aged housewives study sample households) and took a sample of rural and urban Minya province , were taken urban sample of Minya center has attained (113) heads of families , a sample was taken rural village Tookh elkal of the Center for Minya has been attained (91) heads of families , was the selection of psoriasis manner. This study followed the descriptive analytical method , a description of what is an object of certain properties through the collection of data and extract samples and conclusions .
And tools were represented in the study :
- A questionnaire to measure the role of head of the family includes the two axes ( axis of public data for heads of household axis to measure the role of head of the family )
- A questionnaire to measure intellectual security with teenager
- A questionnaire to study ways of strengthening security for intellectual teenager .
The most important results:
- There is a positive correlation between the role played by the mother
( Religious role - the educational role - role of socio- psychological role - the economic role ) and intellectual security of a teenager (knowledge - moderation - away from tradition - away from intolerance - Babysitting owners heterosexual).
- There are significant differences in the role of head of the household and Security intellectual teenager depending on the different level of education of the husband and wife in favor of the high level of education.
- There is an inverse relationship statistically significant differences between the number of children of the goddess of the family and all of the family and the role of housewife and intellectual security for a teenager .
               The most important recommendations that should unite all efforts and combine all the institutions for the protection of our society and our security in all areas .ooadha need for the head of the family turn toward her family in general, and her son, a teenager , in particular where it is the period in which lay the foundations of personal . They must also intensify the attention of parents together with their children and adolescents in particular where they are the leaders of tomorrow and the heroes of the future and their tomorrow for them and become better .

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