Effect of the Different Textural Factors of Woven Fabrics Mixed with Bamboo Using Fast System Test

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


The physical and mechanical properties of the fabric are the main criterion in determining the quality, appearance and performance of fabrics and clothing, as the properties of the fabrics affect their ability to form the designs required to give the final appearance of the clothing. Bamboo is a remarkably versatile and sustainable resource and products made from bamboo are often rated as environmentally friendly, biodegradable and antimicrobial. The general objective of the study is to identify the factors of the woven structure of woven fabrics mixed with bamboo fibers, determine the best mixing ratio, and identify the best textile composition through testing the FAST system, which contains (shrinkage and relaxation, wet inflation, formability, elongation, flexural rigidity) and that To determine the efficiency of the produced fabrics and their good performance during use, to take advantage of these characteristics in the field of shaping on the mannequin. Methods and tools: The data was analyzed and statistical transactions were performed using the SPSS, v.25. Among the most important results: There are statistically significant differences between the samples with respect to warp and weft in the tests (shrinkage and relaxation, wet inflation, formability, elongation, and flexural stiffness) due to the difference in histological structure. Also, between samples in the tests (drop, shear hardness, thickness, surface thickness, weight) is due to the difference in texture and type of yarn. Also among the samples for warp and weft in the tests (shrinkage and relaxation, wet inflation, formability, elongation, flexural hardness) is due to the difference in the type of yarn. 


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