Dietary Fiber Rich Biscuits As Effecting On Obese And Diabetic Rats

Document Type : Original research articles



The dietary fiber rich biscuits had the nutritional therapeutic properties for obesity and diabetic patients. Fiber-enriched biscuits were prepared from selected oat and peanut skin. Consumption of this natural bioactive ingredient as offers health benefits including protection against cardiovascular diseases. In the present study, oat and peanut skin were incorporated into biscuits and fed vs. commercial biscuit to groups being obese and diabetic rats. Rats monitored daily for feed intake, blood glucose and body weight gain were received dietary fiber biscuits and commercial biscuit. The rats were sacrificed by cervical dislocation after a 12-week treatment. Blood serum and liver, heart and pancreas investigated histopathologically. Total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, and LDL, after 3 months were analyzed.
The final results showed that oat and peanut skin biscuits could acted a little on the organoleptic properties and had reduced the body weight of rats an adjuvant therapy for metabolic disorders. As shown from results serum parameters for peanut skin and oat biscuits lowered total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride while increasing HDL with improved  properties and histological sectors of  liver, heart and pancreas. Consumption as daily supplement, oat and peanut skin could act as an adjuvant therapy for obesity and diabetes.


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