Future Vision to develop Graduate Studies system at the Faculty of Home Economics to achieve total quality in light of the experiences of some countries

Document Type : Original research articles



Various universities seeking to apply quality assurance at its institutions educational, and work to develop mechanisms to measure the availability of quality standards, to meet the global challenges and changes in the labor market requirements, then research aimed to provide a future vision to develop Graduate Studies system at the Faculty of Home Economics to achieve total quality by studying the experience of some countries that have achieved success in the field of TQM system graduate, and to identify the problems facing  Graduate Studies system at college, from the perspective of students and faculty members, and analysis the internal regulations of the Graduate  Studies at Faculty of Home Economics, to achieve the objectives of the research was the study of the experiences of some developed countries, including United States of America , the United Kingdom, Australia and Russia, and become acquainted with the reality of Graduate Studies at Faculty of Home Economics, University of Menoufia through a poll of students to distribute a form for their opinions as well as personal interviews with faculty members of various departments and the analysis of the internal regulations of the Graduate  Studies at the Faculty of Home Economics, was provide future  vision to develop the system of Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Home Economics, University of Menoufia in the light of international experience and the results of the field study related to the following axes: the goals and policies of graduate Studies,  programs and curricula, teaching ,learning and evaluation  methods, various of equipment and facilities, scientific research and students postgraduate (researchers).


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