The Effectiveness of a Behavioral Cognitive Conductive Program of Developing Self-assertiveness and Its Effectiveness on Coping Styles With Stresses among Faculty of Home Economics Students

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Psychological Education, Faculty of Education, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Department of Home Economics and Education, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

3 Home Economics and education Dep., Faculty of Home Economics، Minufiya University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


The current research aimed at examining the effectiveness of the cognitive conductive programs in developing self-assertiveness and its effectiveness on coping styles with stresses among Faculty of Home Economics Students, Menoufia University. The current research was conducted on a sample of (30) female students of third grade in Home Economics and Education at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University. The tools applied were Self- Assertiveness Scale and Coping Styles with Stresses Scale. The main results show there is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01) between the scores of the experimental group students in the pre-and post-measurement for the Self- Assertiveness Scale as a whole and its sub-dimensions (Awareness of assertive rights, self-expression, expression of emotions, social boldness, affirmative communication with others, cognitive construction). also for The Coping Styles with Stresses Scale as a whole and its sub-dimensions. (Taking responsibility, logical analysis of the problem and focusing on it, searching for information to make the appropriate decision, facing the problem and addressing it, positive reinterpretation, surrendering to the problem and accepting the reality, behavioral withdrawal, and the search for alternative evidence) in favor of the post-application, and There is no a statistically significant difference between the scores of the experimental group students in the post and tracheal measurement for the self-assertiveness scale as a whole and its sub-dimensions and the coping styles with stresses scale as a whole and its sub-dimensions.


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