Using Traffic Signs and Cartoon Characters to Advance Aesthetic, Functional, and Cultural Values of Child Clothes

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


The aim of the research is to use traffic signs with cartoon characters in enriching the aesthetic, functional, and cultural values of children's clothing, and the research follows the experimental analytical approach, so the researchers made thirty designs (30 designs) adapted from traffic signs and cartoon characters, for middle childhood and were presented to a group of specialized arbitrators from Members of the teaching staff in the Faculties of Home Economics, the College of Specific Education, and the College of Design in Al-Qassim, and the study reached the possibility of developing new designs that enrich children's clothing and move away from stereotypes and educate the child, and the designs were arranged in descending order from highest to lowest, by calculating the arithmetic average, and the ratio The percentages, and the assessment according to the responses of the referees, and the top seven designs were selected and implemented. The study recommended the necessity of trying and continuing experimentation in the field of the children's clothing industry to reach the development of new designs to open wider horizons to enrich the aesthetic, functional, and cultural values of children's clothing.


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